House Beautiful

Archive for the 'Travelista' Category

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Song Of The Week: St. Lucia – “Closer Than This”

Hello friends!  How was everyone’s weekend?  Mine, well, it was delicious. The hubby and I decided to take a short little jaunt to one of our favorite places, Palm Springs.

(The road into town)

It was exactly what we needed: a couple days of lounging by a pool in the hot desert sun, good food and quality time catching up with a grrrreat new book (more on that later).

We stayed at The Saguaro, a newly refurbished former Holiday Inn that has just the right amount of colorful kitsch.  Highly recommend it here.

Now I’m back, rejuvenated, sunkissed and trying to keep that relaxed feeling from the weekend going as long as possible.  And I think I’ve managed to do it with the discovery of a new song this morning. It’s called “Closer Than This” and is by a band named St. Lucia.  How perfect is that?  The lead singer’s got a voice reminiscent of David Byrne from Talking Heads, (one of my all time favorite singers) and each time I play this I’m transported to a beach somewhere, or mentally moved to the driver’s seat of a convertible along a long stretch of road.  I’m really lovin’ this.  Enjoy, and happy Monday!


So Long, 2011, Helloooo 2012!

A wise person once said: Like sand through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.  I mean, not to sound like a broken record but seriously, are we the only ones who felt this last year whoosh right on by in warp speed?

2011 was both the best of times, and sometimes, well, the worst of times.  It had unbelievable highs for us here at Covet Living, and it also had major lows.  But, as is the case with anything the two of us are put through, we took it all in, tried to learn a little, and worked on appreciating the lesson given to us.

Below are some of the highlights from both of us this past year:

1. Our big girl Steph landed herself a brand, spankin new job. Aka, Stella Got Her Groove Back.  Translation = consistent paychecks for Steph to spend on vacations with her blogette better half!  I smell a springtime reunion…

2. With both of us having fancy jobs, we got to travel more for work as well as for play.

(Karrie’s 36-hour jaunt to Paris.  This pic taken after her 11th crepe of the day)

(Charleston, SC.  Literally Steph’s other home)

(Kitzbuhel, Austria for Karrie)

(Dallas for Steph)

3. Karrie ended a 6-month stay in San Diego and headed on back to Santa Monica, this time with her handsome fiance in tow.

4. Steph turned the big 3-0!

She rallied through her celebration weekend with friends, her mom, and with nothing but style and grace:

5. Like last year, we lost some people very dear to us, including Steph’s grandmother Ruthie, a feisty, wise woman who bestowed a mischievous spirit onto her granddaughter, as well as an ardent love of life and family.

*Side note: Ruthie is known as the grandma who never, and we mean never, missed one second of Steph’s hundreds of v-ball matches growing up, or the basketball games to watch her cheer.

6. Our babies really started to grow up! Ok not our babies, mind you, but our loved ones’ bundles of joy, who are becoming sweet little ladies:

(On the top: Little Miss Halie, who has no idea just how pampered she will be during the next, oh, 18+ years.  On the bottom: Steph’s adorable niece Rainer)

7. We continued to dish on gorgeous, drool-worthy design – our true passion.  We managed to spotlight a few designers, including Nate Turner:

(Classic-meets-Boho glam)

And Kristen Buckingham:

(With her hubby, Lindsay)

8. We added a couple new guest bloggers to the site: Jess, our food blogger, with a penchant for scrumptious and healthy meals, and Cory, who had words of advice and a killer smile which got our lady readers completely swooning:

9. Reunions! We got to see each other five (!) times this year.  With busy lives, the price of plane tickets and thousands of miles between us, we think our track record this year was pretty stellar.

(First, a February trip for Steph out West to Saaaan Diaaago)

(Next, Chi-town for Memorial Day misbehavin’)

(Lake time in July, for boating, bonding and epic Marky Mark dance-offs)

(Palm Springs for Karrie’s bachelorette party in September)…

…(Cause we’re the three best friends that anyone could have)

…(Pretty sure a couple of these girls were on a ’99 video of Girls Gone Wild)

(And in November, there was THIS occasion..)

10. Karrie and Tim got hitched! After 10 years since they’d last seen each other, a reunion thanks to Facebook, and 3 years after their first date.

Steph was on hand for late night pre-wedding house parties, the most endearing and hilarious rehearsal speech, and for wedding day laughs/event planning skills/post-wedding dance parties.  Hearts.

So that’s our year in a nutshell, friends.  We’ll take it, all of it.  Thank you for continuing to read our little blog, for commenting on our posts, and for tips on ways to make it better.


“New Year’s Day… now is the accepted time to make your regular annual good resolutions. Next week you can begin paving hell with them as usual.” – Mark Twain

