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Archive for the 'Travelista' Category

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Memorial Day Must-Haves

I don’t know about you but this upcoming weekend is gonna be a freakin’ treat wrapped in a sparkly bow. After a loooong work week in which I felt like towards the end my brain was starting to melt, I’m wicked jazzed, yo.  I’m headed to Palm Springs for a couple days with the Hubs, then back for some BBQs and what-not. Just general laziness.  Below, a smattering of Memorial Day must-haves:

The most adorable, lightweight cotton shirts in an aloha print:


A too-cute-for-words bikini (or “babing suit” as a spry Karrie said as a child)


A great summer jam:

A shiny new book to ingest poolside:

A cool beverage, like this blueberry lavender mojito:


A relaxed, cottony jumpsuit cute enough for daytime but also great for nighttime.  Just pair with some sparkly accessories and a Palm Springs tan and voila!:


And last but not least… a partner in crime for the weekend:


Ahhhhhh… Aren’t you relaxed already?

Happy Memorial Day weekend everybody!


Scenes From A Weekend: Palm Springs Bachelorette

Mid-day diving competition, naturally

I know I’ve extolled the virtues of a Palm Springs weekend more times than you can shake a stick at, but I’m TELLIN’ ya, if you ever get the chance to plop yourself into this desert oasis, make it happen.  And this weekend, plop myself I did.  I was lucky enough to celebrate my second bachelorette weekend there (the first was mine – a year ago!).

The ingredients for a stellar Palm Springs bachelorette weekend?  See below:

First, take one adorable bride-to-be (I’d be giddy too if this were my fiance):

*How adorable is this dress?!  From Rent The Runway.  Find it here.

Throw in this rental home…


Decorate it with DIY mementos…

Instructions here

And fill it with delicious grub, such as this breakfast bread bar:

Lastly, hire Brian from Happy Bartenders to show a bunch of rowdy girls a grrrreat time – by whipping up poolside concoctions, of course:

And the quote of the week:  “I don’t know any of these people… I’m in my 30s… Think Magnum P.I.” – Fellow partygoer to bachelorette’s 20-something cousin, who’d gone into detail about several Real World cast members.
