You guys know this drill… it’s that time of the month (no, not that one) where over coffee & with Gus underfoot, I unload all the design // fashion // life inspo goodness from my phone onto our little blog. There’s great stuff in here, but it’s organized in an obnoxiously overstuffed Nordstrom Rack-rack fashion (sahhhhreee)… meaning yoooou lucky little ducks (!) Yer gonna have to pick through all of it to get to the goods 🙂 You can turn on Karrie’s latest & greatest Spotify mix and grab yourself a cup of coffee before you get rollin. Here she blows:
Tee up the U-Haul. I’m moving in immediately. LOOK AT THE SHAKES, and the copper gutters, and the blue shutters which are the most perfect shade of not-navy-but-not-marine-blue I’ve ever seen.

front window, shutters and replacing gutters
Same goes with this. What in the..
This tile slays me to no end. I’m sort of confused about the rotating mamas in these pics (next thing you know, there’ll be a pic of me giving Gus a bath in that tub floating around Pinterest), but I’m obsessed and can’t pin down the source. It’s some kinda encaustic tile… any ideas?
WHAT IS IT???? Is this it? I pulled this from the archives of my phone from the last time I was at Ann Sacks:
And this one (similar but clearly a different breed) from Amiel’s desk at Country Floors (WHAT UP HOLMES??!)… love him.
The best upholstered bed EVA, on the cheap, courtesy of Tar-jay. We just put this in Karrie’s master at Casa CL. Normally, buying things like upholstered furniture from Target would give me the scaries, but this proved to be an amazing score. We did it in Linen Talc.
All I ever wanted to wear, all summa long.
Major truth. And majorly scary. But chances are, majorly worth it. Can’t think of a time I’ve ever shut my eyes and taken a leap when I’ve regretted it. Something good always comes.
I lied. I’d like to wear this on Saturday nights. To a tea party. In Neverneverland.
Please take me to there and tee me up a latté.
There are trends out there that – albeit beautiful – have been did more times than Debbie Does Dallas… Moroccan rugs (I have one – guilty!), batik pillows (I love them but I seriously can’t see another one) and the like. But you know what I’m not sick of yet? African sea glass beads. I ran into oodles of noodles of these at the Pasadena Flea Market a few weeks ago, and I wasn’t one bit mad. I want these lilac bad boys to hang over my big fat gold lamp base.
Just a super unique ceramic lamp via Mark D. Sikes, who does no wrong, ever.
It doesn’t matter how many times Pinterest goes: “Psst! You’ve already pinned this pin!” I always repin it anyway b/c that’s how much I love this kitchen.
Snug as a damn bug in a rug, I love him so much it hurts.
Something to remember. In a sea of Instagram chicks who are legit stunning and a dating pool that’s like The Hunger Games, it is NOT hard to feel like you wanna airbrush your whole self, and maybe your life. But, mmmmaybe don’t. My best friend from college told me the other day that I was cute, but that that was the absolute dumbest thing about me (meaning, I have way better qualities that have nothing to do with that). Maybe the nicest semi-backhanded compliment ever, and twas a good reminder to be yourself and be kind, and that that’s all that really matters in the end.
Those chairs. I die.
As cement tiles go, there are a few patterns that are REAL played out. This isn’t one of ’em. I would think seriously about installing this vertically, maybe behind a bar. With floating shelves over it. And an unlacquered brass faucet. OMG, I just let out a little pee.
Only the best outfit I’ve ever seen.
Another good reminder. It’s not easy to do, but not one bad thing has ever happened when I’ve done this.
These might weigh more than me and split my earlobes, but I think they’re worth it.
Love this Robert Allen fabric, posted up here for $13/yard. RUN. Now.
I need some purple mascara in my rotation, stat.
Probably some of this too. You know I love my Burt’s Bee’s in Wink, but in pics it makes me look washed out. Like my lips blend in with mah FACE. This might not have a much different effect, but it’s worth a shot.
Please let my backyard magically transform into this.
Painting your trim & baseboards isn’t for the faint of heart, but I do love how this turned out.
A kermit-tipped mani also isn’t for the faint of heart, but I’d take it for a spin.
OMG, I die every time I see this. Karrie affectionately refers to me as “Wabbit.” If I ever procreate, I’m dressing my kid in this Peter Cottontail get-up.
Love the mustard off-the-shoulder number.
HOPERS – can we do this for our next Boho Yard Party??!
I snapped this lamp up from a yard sale down the street from Karrie’s new house. Fun Fact: the lady who owned it was Lionel Richie’s old assistant, and it came from his house. It’s about four parts hideous and one part amazing.
The pendant lights – I CANNOT EVEN. I get a tickle in my shorts when I spy lighting I haven’t seen before (because when you have to source for clients all the time, you get sick of seeing the saaaaaaaaame thing 900x). These two-toners are money in the bank.
My new favorite textile line / designer. Hey girl heeeeeeeey.
You know I can’t stay away from anything white, white or beige with a funky texture. Love this guy. By way of my home slices at DRC San Diego.
Can. She. Ever. Do. Wrong.
Get in my house.
Get on my ear lobes.
Literally looks like what my life in So Cal feels like.
I do miss Charleston. I always thought I’d move back there someday… never say never, but for now, I’m great OD-ing on nostalgia a little every time I see a pic like this of downtown.

Processed with VSCO with e2 preset
Snapped these up a few weeks ago at the Rose Bowl Flea Market for Karrie’s master bedroom. They’re enormous and so lovely in person.
Shouldacouldahwouldah snapped up these vintage lamps, too.
This girl had her flea marketing outfit on point. I won’t even bother showing you what mine looked like that day, which was a cross between soccer mom function + Fraggle Rock. But for reals. It’s like, 110 degrees out there.
New favorite nail color that’s (are you sitting down for this?) not Essie Adore-A-Ball, but a still-neutral perfect for summer peach… (Cuccio’s “Life’s a Peach”).
Dangerously close to trying to put this into a kid’s bath in a Vegas remodel I’m doing, for the coolest client EVER with Anthro-Refined-Boho taste. I’ve seen a similar pattern at Ann Sacks (see below), but love the green in this one that Jessica Risko Smith mocked up. Kudos, GF.
Let’s go on a tile tangent, shall we? I have no idea where I’d put this, but Sonoma Tilemakers’ colors and materials literally knock me down with a feather, every time.
GASP. I hate to go so bananas about brass but man. Insert brass + some bleached wood and you’ve got a party.
Kelly Nutt is another designer with a dreamy Insta. Follow her for sho.
Kelly Wearstler for Ann Sacks. #nomnomnom
Love the cute baby hex tile almost as much as I love that chick’s shoes.
TRUER WORDS HAVE NEVER BEEN SPOKEN. The struggle is real, people.
Kantha pillows I snagged from the flea market for Karrie’s nook.
I forgot this is THE BEST CHEESE EVER until I ate the entire display at the market across from Casa CL a few weekends ago. Whoops.
Good fillers for accessorizing beachy bookshelves.
Kate Marker is a good insta follow. I always end up loving what she posts, like this little ditty.
A burl wood bar + that tile? Yah.
Kelly Nutt for the win.
Je voudrais, via DRC San Diego.
Je voudrais aussi. And aussi via DRC. I’m a franglais poet for realz. In a wee wallpapered closet or powder bath?? C’MAHHHN.
What is this glorious tape/trim that costs more than my left nut? Love. Down the lead edge of some drapery panel done in a small contrasting print? Done.
Another case for open shelving. As if we ever needed more.
Super cute and a bit Les Indiennes, sans le price tag. OMG j’am on a roll.
This dining room is everything. It’s not even totally my style but I can’t help myself.
My girl Betsy at Bixby doin’ it right!! This marble-topped pedestal table is perfection.
Via the most perfect(ly snooty) lighting shop on Melrose that makes me feel like a kid from the other side of the tracks every time I go in, cuz nobody will EVER talk to me. It’s like the Julia Roberts / Pretty Woman scene where the ladies who work there are like: “That wouldn’t fit you… it’s VERY EXPENSIVE.” I care not one flip. Look how amazing their lighting is.
Like trying to choose a favorite star in the sky.
Shouldahcouldahwouldah bought these from the Arteriors on Melrose when they were on super clearance. But, I bought Gusgus diapers instead.
Uh, I’d like to take a nap there please.
Always a great reminder, ‘spesh when you’re not sure what’s what.
Love, love love for summer.
I popped into this boutique on the Jersey Shore a few years ago during a work trip, and their buyers have cherry picked the most amazing batch of clothing & accessories, ever. Thank GYAH you can buy stuff off their insta. And this sweater makes me ALL KINDS OF STOKED for Fall.
If you aren’t following my friend Erika Gervin of South Harlow Interiors on Instagram and in real life, you’re missing out. She’s one of those people you meet and instantly love… last summer, I was at a girls (or, I guess we’re ladies – whatever) networking thing (that culminated in a Magic Mike II viewing), but the point is, I was talking to her in line for popcorn, and she had just left her super big girl marketing job to branch out on her own in design. She had no formal training, just major talent and major confidence in herself. I started reading through my mental laundry list of why it would be so scary for me to branch out on my own and she goes: “GURL. Just do it. If I can do it you can do it!” And I tell you. When I was about to jump off the little cliff and go out on my own, what she had said to me 6 months before was ringing in my ears. Anyhow. She bought this rug for herself and I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything so perfect, or ever seen anything like it again. See? Girl’s got great taste.
The sweet Gus-cousin who took a nap on my feet last week on the street in Crested Butte. Look at those eyes (!)
That’s all I got! Happy Sunday to you sweetie pies.