House Beautiful

Wake Up!

Anyone else been feelin’ a little like our friend above?  Not sure why, but lately I’ve just been sluggishhhhh.  Alllllright, that’s a lie… I know exactly why I’m feeling this way.  No consistent cardio workouts and not enough sleep have been making me feel run down.  Without the regular endorphin kicks, my body’s starting to slow.

So I’m using this public forum as a letter to myself, written on scratch n’ sniff pink paper, to WAKE THE EFF UP and re-join the land of the living.

It’s time to hit the treadmill and trails and get my running legs working again.

It’s time to focus on getting in consistent yoga classes, as my body LOVES this.

Seriously, people, it’s good.  Really, really good.  My mind feels clear, clear, clear after each class.

And most importantly of all, IT’S TIME TO GET SOME SLEEP.  I’m talking 7 (!) hours of shuteye.  I gotta.  It makes a world of difference for me.

But first, how do YOU all peel yourselves out of the comforts of wintertime hibernation and out of a funk?  Is there any method of motivation that gets you back on the path to health and happiness?

And for all of you in need of a similar spring awakening, here’s a fun, optimistic ditty to get you on your feet:

Happy Fat Tuesday, y’all!

4 Responses to “Wake Up!”

  • So I have totally been feeling TIRED and its soo much harder to get my ass to the gym…here are some things that have been helping me:
    -If you have an ipad, make a playlist of great videos through a YouTube channel…this makes workouts FLY by

    -a lot of people don’t know this, but you probably have Exercise TV on Demand — think of it like Movies on Demand- but all KINDS of workout videos. Kim Kardashian doing step aerobics? check. Jillian Michael’s power yoga? check. Zumba? Good Kickboxing? Check, check.

    -Listening to Enrique’s new song, or that song Black and Yellow…definitely gets me in the mood

    Ok, those are my tips for now…happy working out!

  • You are speaking my truth, sister friend!!! EVERYTHING in this post has my name written all over it. That’s why I’m now training for the marathon… I’m exhausting my body so that I can sleep at night and reinvigorating my senses while challenging my mind to run that extra mile. Or 26.

    LURVE you!!!

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