House Beautiful

Recipe of the Week: Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies


Listen up, party people.  I’ve got a recipe that’s so incredibly easy, you’d think it’d scrimp on taste.  But oh no, my sweets.  These are the fluffiest, softest lil’ morsels of delightful goodness, and they taste and feel totally different from your typical cookie.

Ok, write these ingredients down on your hand (what, am I the only person who still does this at the age of 31?) and traipse over to your nearest grocery store tonight to get the goods:


  • 1 bag of chocolate chips
  • 1 15 oz can of pumpkin puree (NOT the pumpkin pie filling)
  • 1 box of spice cake mix


Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.  Mix the cake mix and the pumpkin puree, then stir in the chocolate chips.

Spoon the dough onto a cookie sheet.  Place in the oven for around 10-15 minutes. Head over to your TV to DVR Mario Lopez’s new VH1 show, then feel embarrassed about it.   Feel grateful for not sharing a DVR with anyone.

Take out the cookies.  They’ll appear gooey, even when they’re done.  Let them cool, and they’ll be soft and perfect!

These make a TON as well, so they’re perfect for holiday parties or for sucking up to your co-workers.

Hooray for Fall!


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