House Beautiful

Monthly Archive for November, 2014

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Recipe of the Week: Zoodles & Turkey Meatballs

Zoodles (zucchini noodles) and Meatballs (turkey meatballs) = my favorite go-to when I need an easy peasy, amazing dinner that I won’t feel in my 2th a$$ the next day.  This recipe is not only totally satiating and totally good for you, but it’s also a breeze to modify, so you can tweak it however you wanna.  Here’s what you need:


First and foremost, if you don’t already own this bad boy, go scoop one up for yo-self at Williams-Sonoma.  It’s about $40 bucks and turns veggies like zucchini and squash into long thin noodles in about 20 seconds.  You just twist the crank – like a Jack in the Box.  Super easy to clean too.


6 zucchini

2 Tbs. Extra Virgin Olive Oil


This is the best marinara sauce on the planet.  It tastes like Aunt Mary Lucianna made it in her kitchen in Italy – it’s all homemade and chunky and amazing.

Spinelli's Marinara | Best Marinara Sauce Ever

If you can’t find that, you can also use Trader Joe’s Tomato Basil – it’s about $1.99, all natural-ish and is pretty good.


NOTE: I’ve been using and tweaking this recipe for years.  Updated on 9/13/16 as I have now tweaked it to perfection.  Using the best ingredients makes all the difference:


1 pound ground turkey (I used 93% lean)

1/2 tsp. coarse sea salt

1/2 of a small onion, diced (throw that sucker in the food processor…  also, sometimes when I’m lazy, I just leave this out. #whoops)

1 1/2 tsp. Italian seasoning

1 tsp. dried oregano

10 fresh basil leaves, chiffonaded (if you don’t have fresh, you can use 1 tsp. dried basil)

1 tsp. crushed red pepper flakes

3 dashes Sriracha (you can sub Frank’s if you don’t have Sriracha)

1 1/2 Tbs. Worcestershire sauce

1/4 cup half & half

1 clove garlic, sautéed in EVOO

1 egg

1/4 cup fresh grated Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese (it’s most $$ but makes all the difference)

3/4 cup Italian breadcrumbs


1.  Whip together beaten egg, all liquids and spices, chopped onion and sautéed garlic in large mixing bowl.  Then fold in turkey, part & breadcrumbs.  Mix with your hands or with a fork.  Meanwhile, heat olive oil in skillet on medium to medium high heat.  Roll ping pong-sized meatballs balls from mixture and set aside.  Then, pour half a jar of this most amazing marinara in bottom of a 13×9 inch (or slightly smaller) glass baking dish.

2. Heat 2-3 Tbs. EVOO in a pan on medium to medium high.  Lightly brown meatballs on a few sides in sauté pan, being careful not to cook them too much.  I turn them with my hands after a little less than a minute on each side.  Once they have a nice golden-brown color on the outside, transfer meatballs to marinara pan and smother with remainder of marinara.  Bake on 375 for 13 minutes.

3.  While meatballs are baking, run 6 zucchini through the spiralizer, then pat dry with a paper towel.  The hill of zucchini this yields will look like you’re feeding an army, but it will cook down a bit so don’t worry.  And you can also save some for later this week if you don’t wanna use it all.

4.  Once meatballs are cooked, fold zoodles in little by little with meatballs/sauce mixture to coat them.  They will cook down and cook (enough) while you do this…  I have blanched them before and you can do it that way, but they’re easy to overcook, and then your hill of zucchini is all soggy and fits in a thimble.  So the folding route is how I like to do it.

5.  Top with basil leaves, extra parm shavings or whatever tickles your pickle.


Happy Cooking, Campers!  This should serve 3-4 peeps.

Faves from #HPMKT

High Point Market was a few weeks back, which – for those of you who aren’t familiar – is kinda like New York Fashion Week for Interior Design.  It’s where new shiny new sources of inspiration are found and new lines of luscious furniture, textiles and goodness are launched, which is SUPER exciting for design folk, because after awhile, you see the saaaaaaaaame revolving door of stuff and everybody does one big collective yawn.  High Point is where famous designers like Kelly Wearstler and Thom Filicia walk the halls of Interhall and hob-nob with the muggles.  It’s like a sea of swirly twirly gumdrops and parties and design porn.  Let’s set the stage first, cuz some of the prettiest things I saw were just part of the backdrop:

With a white tee and jeans and black suede stilettos (???)  WHAT.

Again.  Yum.

Love what’s on the floor, love what’s on her feet.

More pics of this vignette popped up than Heinz has pickles, but duh.  Look at it.

Lemon trees and lanterns and white, oh my!

Not sure what he was doing there, but I love him.

Prettiest bouquet I ever did see.

I didn’t make it to #hpmkt this time, but I did live living vicariously through everyone who was there via Instagram… just stalking my face off and style spotting from my sofa in San Diego while I watched TNT weekend movies and ate Skinny Pop. It was like watching the prom or TV or something.  Anyway… the Instafeed was aflutter with about 35k posts; I sifted through a few and picked my faves:

HO-LY HEAVEN at Mr. Brown.  Get in my house.  Now.

How fun are these chairs at Lee Industries??  Also.  The English Room is a sah-weet blog if you aren’t already following.  Holly has a great eye.  In the black hole that was the #hpmkt hashtag of posts, so many of the ones I ended up clicking on ended up being hers.  PS: Karrie, these look like you.

Celerie Kemble did a line of wooden floor tiles for Mirth Studio (this is pattern: Folly).  Love.  Just head over to their website, snoop around, then wipe.

The chambray gray duvet and shams with the tattered ruffle on this bed are divine. Is Pom Pom at Home like Matteo meets Shabby Chic??

How swank is this little lamp for a bachelorette pad?  It’s Kelly Wearstler for Visual Comfort… she launched her lighting line with them this market, and it blew up peoples’ shorts the world over.  There were more grinning design folk getting their picture with Kelly Wearstler than there will be kiddies in Santa’s lap this year.

Table from Mr. Brown Home – love the detail:

I love this wall color…  and I especially love it next to lucite and light (is that burl wood?) and rattan and gold.  Why does something about it remind me of Angie Hranowsky?

I was surprised to see some artwork I gasped at.  Like this Rothko-esque number.  I think it is by far *the* hardest thing to shop for.

Similar to the Goodman Pendant from VC (a super fave), but the chain on this one is different so I’m not sure of the source…  the Instagrammer says it can be “done in any Benjamin Moore color.”  I’ll let you know when I track ‘er down.

About 999 people snapped shots of this little ditty by Worlds Away, and for good reason.  I love the grain detail, the hardware, and the fact that it looks like if I ran my hand across it, it would feel like buttah.  It feels equal parts feminine and masculine and equal parts modern and vintage to me, which renders it uber versatile.  I feel like I could flip on Mad Men and see a pair of these chests perched as Don & Betty Draper’s nightstands.

Speaking of buttah…  look at that ottoman.  Sweet Jesus.  Everything Erinn V. always feels pristine and unique to me, so this is no surprise.

Did I just die and go to lilac heaven?

This bad boy (the Hanley) from Arteriors looks like a different animal hung up & lit up than it does on the website.  How fun (??#$%!) for a closet / dressing room or a powder bath?  Or an entry?  BANG.

This Quadrille wallpaper never gets old to me.  Ever.

There are Indian ring stools errr-where, but never have I ever seen one in this indiscernible, bluish-grey hue. It’s perfect.

Last but not least, could we please talk about Ro Sham Beaux?  GYAH, do they ever do wrong?  So whimsical.  And so candy necklace-like.

That last one there my insanely talented boss-lady – Kristin – spotted.  I’ve never seen them do a beaded guy in that color before.  #nomnomnom

Here’s my takeaway from stalking the #hpmkt feed: it’s not just a great source of inspiration and a way to see all the new goodies that just hit the streets…  it’s also a great way to find new people to follow, and to see who and what inspires you.  I definitely found myself “liking” the same peoples’ insta-posts, over and over again.  Some I knew (Meredith Heron, Holly Phillips from the English Room) and some were new to me, but whoever they were, I was picking up what they were putting down.  It’s interesting how people curate things, what their eye catches and what stands out to them in a sea of possibilities.  I have the same fascination with watching what the people ahead of / behind me at the grocery store are buying.  I look at all the items in their cart and size up their life.  My point is, what people deem beautiful and important is a window into their style and into their life, and it’s fun to watch.

What were your guys’ favorites??  What did I miss?  Post links to your faves in the comments section!!
