House Beautiful

Scenes From Our Weekend

Happy Short Week people!!! We’re so excited to veg in SoCal for a Friendsgiving Feast on the beach in a few days (for Steph) or hop on a plane tomorrow to Hawaiiiiiiiiiiiii (said in Oprah’s voice). This weekend was a perfectly relaxing couple a days for the two of us. Time to stay home and marinate a bit – and take advantage of suuuuper warm weather:

Scenes From a Weekend | Covet Living

{Saturday Funday hike at Cowles Mountain}

Dolce Vita Salon | Covet Living

{Karrie and her cute-as-a-button hair gal, Lorena, for some coloring and trimmin’}

Miguel's | Scenes From a Weekend | Covet Living

{Fish taco feast at Miguel’s Coronado after a day at the dog beach… Steph’s standard Sunday routine}

Scenes From a Weekend | Covet Living

{2015 Presidential hopeful GusGus for President charming voters at the dog beach}

Target find | Covet Living

{Karrie finally breaking down and buying the flannel shirt of all flannel shirts at The Mothership}

Stephy | Covet Living

{Pre-girls dinner selfie at Coaster. Most amazing dress ever via Revolve clothing.}

Grain Free Pancakes | Covet Living

{Lazy Sunday morning breakfast of champions, in the form of the most delicious grain free pancakes, aka McPancakes, via Meg McGrane}

Whatever your plans for Thanksgiving, we hope it’s a day full of love, happiness and lots and lots and lots and lots of grub.


karrie and steph signature


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