House Beautiful

Tag Archive for 'regret'

Life is…

Helen was a smart lady.  I’ve been thinking this weekend about taking chances… like, the crazy scary kind that almost make you wanna crawl back in bed and hide under the covers – where it’s all safe and cozy, and nothing terrible could ever happen.  But nothing amazing ever happens there, either.  I’m talking about the kind of chances people might look at and say, “she’s a lunatic.”  And I’ve taken a few of those.  But… how does it go?  You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.  And of all the nutty decisions I’ve ever made, I’ve realized that nothing negative has ever come out of them.  Those have been the times I have either gained or learned the most.  One of my dearest girlfriends said to me yesterday:  “You are literally the only person I know who will look back on her life and not have one regret.”  I had never thought about it that way, and I think that might be the one of the nicest things anyone has ever said to me.  So anyhow…  I’m just sayin’.  Do it now.  Yolo, yo.  Go live… ya little lunatic you.
