House Beautiful

Tag Archive for 'balance'

The Wisest of Words

My Dad passed this to me at the kitchen table this morning over coffee and said: “This reminds me of you”… probably because I drank a boatload of wine & ate a trough of pasta last night, and am about to go on a sprint-around-the-cornfields-until-my-thighs-don’t-rub-together-anymore run.  Or maybe because I (and I think a lot of us) hustle hard throughout the year, but REALLY let it all hang out over the holidays… for instance, I can barely button my pants, and I dare you to ask Karrie the last time she washed her hair (I guarantee she doesn’t know).  But ye know what?  It’s all gonna be allllright.  Because on any non-holly-day, I subsist on kale & rabbit food, sprinkled with Twizzlers, and get my a$$ up at 5:00am every weekday so I can go to yoga or sprint up the canyon next to my house – because making that a priority every day makes me 100 times better at everything else I do.  And Karrie has like, 900 reality shows in production and she & her brain never (ever) slow down.  The point is, that balance quote is a great reminder that working hard and being disciplined is great, but so is playing hard and taking a load off…  and it’s hard to appreciate one without the other.  It all ebbs and flows.  So if your gut fulla pecan pie is hanging over your waistband – don’t sweat it!  We’ll sweat it out together in January.

Happy Monday!!

**image source unknown