House Beautiful

Five Cool Things I’m Diggin This Hot Minute

As I type this on my way to the lakes in Michigan for a week, I’ve got a few things on my mind.  They include but aren’t limited to: Pontoon boat rides with a gaggle of friends, new attempts at waterskiing, a lakeside wedding tomorrow, my chances of waking up bronzed instead of my current shade of iridescent, intermittently catching up on mags while napping on a cushy patio chaise lounge, the waves lapping in the quiet lake, tons of time spent catching up with old friends visiting from Chicago and Indiana, and of course… my fiance, who I haven’t seen in a week.

Oh – and Steph, I’ll see your volleyball playing, peanut butter cookie gorging, baby binkie possessing arse in a week.

For sh*ts and giggles, here are a few things I’ve spotted this week that’ve got me all kinds of excited:

1. THE newest sensation to hit the US: Spotify.  Music addicts like moi are rejoicing everywhere, as this site was previously unavailable to us ‘Mericans (just in Europe).  Now, you can download songs from 15 million choices (for free!), create playlists and send to your friends.  Oh, and you can store whatever songs you download offline without any per-song fees of any sort.

2. This assortment of all kinds of glorious tree stumps, which I have badly, badly been jonesing to use as a side table for a perfectly beachy rustic feel.  Behold the look of these tree trunks in various uses:

Above: Via Nate Turner, one of our fave designers!

3. This fifties style wedding shot by the gals at joie la la.  Seriously, this is one of the most awe-inspiringly rad weddings I’ve ever feasted my eyes upon.

4. These prints from an LA-based shutterbug, on Etsy.  I’ve been searching high and low for a great beach print or photograph to anchor my living room wall above my TV.  Lo and behold, I might’ve found one in this there group of beautiful photographs.

5. This latest trend in hair coloring – tie dye. I first spotted it on Lauren Conrad (below), immediately sent a pic to my co-worker Rachel, also known as The Pulse, since she doesn’t have her finger on the pulse – she IS.THE.PULSE – and being the bad ass stylista trendster that she is, she promptly went over to her trusted Venice hair salon and fancied herself a tie dye do.

Lauren Conrad

The Rachel.

Stay thirsty my friends,

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