House Beautiful

Can We Talk About The Weekend.

Seriously, let’s all hear it for living 2 hours from your best friend.  No more of this nonsense of seeing each other every few months, oh helllllll naw.  We’re on each other like white on rice now; if our little hearts desire bestie/margarita/shopping time, our little hearts get all of the above.  And that’s exactly what happened this weekend:

Some snapshots of our 24 hours together in San Diego:

Clockwise from top left: Pigment, a delightfully curated shop in North Park | Succulents galore | Messy braid for a lazy Sunday | Heaven in the form of Steph’s bed | Our margarita connoisseur, Ivan, at Casa Machado | Terrariums hanging from the ceiling | Margs | This book was very fitting for one half of us | An adorable family we happened upon, creating terrariums (!)

And all this aside… all this giggling and debauchery and laziness and all that aside, this weekend marked a sort of shift in my other co-blogger half, one I think only those who’ve been around her these past few months would pick up on.  Instead of clouds and tears, there was sunshine and a lot, a LOT of laughter.  Optimism about her new job, about her new surroundings, about life.  I know it’s baby steps, but I was proud of her.  Sooo very proud and happy for her.

After about an hour of being with her, a scene from one of my favorite movies popped into my head.  For those of you who’ve never seen it, Swingers is a movie about an actor who moves to LA to make it big – and then gets unceremoniously dumped by his longterm girlfriend.   After watching him struuuugggggle to surface throughout the whole movie and figure out a way to get out there and be happy, he finally meets a girl out one night.  Her name is Lorraine.  His ex’s name is Michelle:

I love this scene for showing that exact moment when the future suddenly presents itself and one decides to embrace it.

Here’s to new beginnings 🙂


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