House Beautiful

Monthly Archive for October, 2016

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Wise Words Wednesday



“You have it now and that is all your whole life is; now.  There is nothing else than now.  There is neither yesterday, certainly, nor is there any tomorrow.  How old must you be before you know that?  There is only now, and if now is only two days, then two days is your life and everything in it will be in proportion.  This is how you live a life in two days.  And if you stop complaining and asking for what you will never get, you will have a good life.  A good life is not measured by any biblical span.” – Ernest Hemingway, For Whom the Bell Tolls

Scenes From a Weekend

La Jolla | Covet Living

Happy Monday y’all!!!! Wait, what? How did Monday get here so quickly? Ridiculous.

Anywho – this weekend was kind of perfect. The two of us reunited in glo-horrrrious San Diego, and our days consisted of sun, sand, fish tacos, dumb movies, Italian food, and Uber drivers with a penchant for red upholstered seats and country music. Here are a few pics (of our weekend, not the red upholstered seats):

Steph at Windansea Beach | Covet Living

Windiness Beach | Scenes From a Weekend | Covet Living

As soon as we met up we hightailed it to one one of the quietest (shhh, don’t tell anyone), most gorgeous stretches of beaches in SD: Windansea. Nestled between La Jolla and this cutesy little area called Bird Rock, it looks like it’s from a movie.

Steph | Covet Living

The water was a little rough – surfers were along the horizon riding pretty substantial waves – so while Steph was trying not to get sucked in, I was reading my new Redbook magazine.

Karrie | Covet Living

Hey girrrrrrl

Steph | Covet Living

Dream House | Covet Living

Can you say DREAM HOUSE?!

Tacos | Covet Living

Obviously our day was fueled by the fish tacos at Bahia Don Bravo.

Karrie and Steph | Covet Living

Then we headed home to get ready for din din at the cutest, seriously most delish little Italian restaurant in La Jolla, Piatti. This picture is Selfie Attempt #54 in the back of our Uber (see the red upholstered seats). I’m pretty sure our Uber driver wanted to take us to a remote road somewhere and kill us because we were being so annoying.

La Jolla Sunset | Covet Living

San Diego is a very, very special place to both of us. And when you’re sitting at dinner and see this? You get why.

La Jolla Sunset | Covet Living

And this 🙂

Movie Theater | San Diego | Covet Living

After dinner we scooted on over to this new movie theater called The Lot that had the fancy recliners you lie back in while watching your movie and pouring Reese’s Pieces into your mouth. Steph and I – who are both notorious for falling asleep during movies (well, Steph falls asleep during any sort of media) – were both out in 15 minutes. At one point I woke up from some explosion in the movie and looked over at Steph who was head back mouth open passed out. Oh yeah – and the movie was Deepwater Horizon – and it blew.

Steph with Gus | Covet Living

And what blog post would be complete without a pic of our redheaded mascot? GUS!

Have a wonderful day everyone!


Steph and Karrie's Signatures TOGETHER