House Beautiful

Monthly Archive for October, 2016

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Wise Words Wednesday

Source unknown

You know what? Let’s all take a minute to recognize how amazing we are. Every hardship, every happy experience, every embarrassing, sad, angry moment that’s made us who we are today. Let’s not take it out on ourselves, which we do every minute of every day… ’cause well, we’re humans. Let’s be proud of the flaws AND the accomplishments, because they are who we are as humans. K? K.


karrie and steph signature

Listen. Eat. Wear. Read. See. Repeat.


Currently listening to this on rotation, from Usher’s brand new album:


Chili Pot Pie With Cornbread Crust

Move over, pumpkin spiced lattes and burgundy color nails: These chili pot pies with cornbread crust s-c-r-e-a-m Fall. I have a feeling that if you spoon this in your mouth temporarily, just temporarily, all will seem right in the world.




Messy Hair, Don’t Care. How fuh-reakin’ cute is this? A friend sent it to me for my hair. Don’t mind if I do.

Covet Living

The Nix by Nathan Hill

Meryl Streep and JJ Abrams just signed on to do the movie adaptation of this book, which people are touting as one of the best books in a long time. Like, from page 1-kind of good. Read about it here.

Covet Living

Amanda Knox:  A Documentary

If you thought you had a shred of knowledge of what happened in the Amanda Knox murder case, think again. I myself got sucked into the media frenzy eight years ago and believed she’d been wrapped up in a wild sex party that went awry, that she’d murdered her roommate. And that’s because, as you’ll see in this documentary, the media created a great, juicy story they knew would bring in eyeballs and keep the world transfixed. But all was not as was presented, ohhhhh no – and this documentary lays it bare beautifully, with Amanda Knox describing everything she went through. So compelling.

Have a rad weekend everyone!


karrie signature