House Beautiful

Monthly Archive for November, 2015

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Scenes From Our Weekend

Happy Short Week people!!! We’re so excited to veg in SoCal for a Friendsgiving Feast on the beach in a few days (for Steph) or hop on a plane tomorrow to Hawaiiiiiiiiiiiii (said in Oprah’s voice). This weekend was a perfectly relaxing couple a days for the two of us. Time to stay home and marinate a bit – and take advantage of suuuuper warm weather:

Scenes From a Weekend | Covet Living

{Saturday Funday hike at Cowles Mountain}

Dolce Vita Salon | Covet Living

{Karrie and her cute-as-a-button hair gal, Lorena, for some coloring and trimmin’}

Miguel's | Scenes From a Weekend | Covet Living

{Fish taco feast at Miguel’s Coronado after a day at the dog beach… Steph’s standard Sunday routine}

Scenes From a Weekend | Covet Living

{2015 Presidential hopeful GusGus for President charming voters at the dog beach}

Target find | Covet Living

{Karrie finally breaking down and buying the flannel shirt of all flannel shirts at The Mothership}

Stephy | Covet Living

{Pre-girls dinner selfie at Coaster. Most amazing dress ever via Revolve clothing.}

Grain Free Pancakes | Covet Living

{Lazy Sunday morning breakfast of champions, in the form of the most delicious grain free pancakes, aka McPancakes, via Meg McGrane}

Whatever your plans for Thanksgiving, we hope it’s a day full of love, happiness and lots and lots and lots and lots of grub.


karrie and steph signature


Happy Saturday! +3 Good Things for your Weekend

Saturday | Covet Living

Happy Saturday, y’all!  I hope this (^) is what your weekend already feels like.  It’s the most gorgeous day in San Diego, and my friend Hope and I are about to go for a long hike and then jump in the ocean.  That’s not awful, right??  Even if the temps aren’t so amazing where you are, I hope you’re cozily nestled in a fuzzy blanket watching football, or Christmas shopping online while you sip hot cocoa in your PJ’s (on that note – we have AMAZING Holiday Gift Guides coming out in the following weeks!), or doing whatever it is that fans up your skirt and makes you feel happy.  On that note…  here are:


1.  { listen } :: This is my new favorite jam, which will make you feel instantly relaxed… #namaste.  And it’s by the Bestie Boys of all people (say what now?)..  Brought to me by unicorn of a human / my older brother of sorts, Mully.

2.  { buy } ::  Best Plaid Shirt You’ll Ever Purchase, Target $22.99.  PS, it’s Buy 1, get 50% off clothing, shoes and accessories today at The Mothership – otherwise known as Tar-Jay.

Best Plaid Shirt Ever | Covet Living

3.  { read | nourish your soul } :: That effervescent image at the top is from a VERY poignant post Karrie did last January as reassurance to me when I was in the throes of a gut-wrenching breakup that everything was going to be just fine, and that it was actually for the best.  I’m reposting today because I have a few girlfriends who just made the very brave and never-easy decision to get out of relationships that were neither healthy nor sustainable, despite there being a lot of love.  And those gals get nothing but huge hugs and gobs of respect from me.  If you’re going through a similar thang, then Karrie’s post will do you proud, girlfriend.  In about 45 seconds.

Woman Running Into Water | Covet Living


Steph's Scanned Signature