House Beautiful

Monthly Archive for October, 2011

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Quote Of The Week

The Dalai Lama, when asked what surprised him most about humanity, answered “Man. Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never really lived.”


Here’s to slowing down just for a minute and taking it in – life: the good (for me, a family and fiance I’m feeling very close to and lucky to have), the bad (health issues with some loved ones) and the general whirlwind that is my world right now (traveling for work, while preparing for a wedding happening in 2.5 weeks).

Happy Wednesday!


Paris is Always a Good Idea.

I repeat, always a good idea.  I’ve been itching for my favorite place on the planet lately…  perhaps because we’ve been having quiet, rainy, melancholy fall days in Chicago – reminiscent of the last time I was in Paris with my best friend, Mary…  popping into corner cafes to sip a café au lait to warm up…

Or because I have a friend leaving for Paris today…  or perhaps it’s because it’s been 5 years since my last trip…  but whatever the case, the photos above and the jam below have me aching to be back in the City of Light.

Otherwise known as a magical place where grown men in dapper outfits ride bicycles with baskets on the front and “ring-ring!” their bells in traffic…

Where the smell of lavender, croque messieurs and delightfully stinky cheese are ever-present in the air…

Where people carry long baguettes in their bare hands on their way home from work and occasionally take a big chomp off the end…

Where everything is beautiful.  Even the street signs…  the French don’t mess.

Where wine is cheaper than water…

…and where inordinate amounts of butter and heavy cream make everything taste like heaven.

Crank that ditty above if you haven’t already, take a gander at the gorgeous photos below, and then add Paris to your bucket list if you haven’t been.  There’s no place on earth like it.

If you’re like me and probably can’t hop a flight to Paris tomorrow, grâce à le housing market and/or recession having taken you for a spin at the cleaners – then stay tuned this week & next for a list of ways to bring Paris chez vous (!)  Including but not limited to: classic French recipes for chilly days, curated playlists, fantastic artwork, and fashion inspiration from the peeps who do it best.

A bientôt!

*photo credits:  All photos are either personal photos, or via my Paris Pinterest board (sources therein) unless otherwise labeled.