House Beautiful

Monthly Archive for March, 2011

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A (Domino) Page from the Past

OH, Domino.  You still make my heart go pitty pat – especially when I stumble upon old scanned tear sheets from your archives, like this one I spotted (gasp!) on Pinterest when it was just a teeny tiny thumbnail on a page.  There is still something so distinct and almost magical about the pages of Domino – the eclectic layering, the effortless chic…  Every month was like Christmas when it came in the mail, and I always knew I was about to be transported into a world full of charm and wonder – one that was never inaccessible, and always inspiring.  For instance, look at the photo above:  that’s some lovely but demure granny chic wallpaper…  a super feminine, ornate sconce…  an old side table with books piled up Jenga-style…  sheets with pink hearts on them, like the ones I had when I was 4…  and your grandpa’s plaid wool blanket standing in as a comforter.  And a little breakfast in the rumply bed.  Who would’ve thought to have put ’em together, but put ’em together and what’ve you got?

Bibbity Bobbity Boo.   It’s magic, I tell ya!

Have a great week!

Happy Birthday, Steph!!!

Happy Birthday to the bestest, brightest, funniest and most gorgeous gal I know… Steph!!!

That’s right, 10 (x 3) years ago today, a little bundle of joy with teeny blonde curls was dropped off by the stork to the house on Lombard Street in Funcie, Indiana.

Ready to set the world afire, Steph did just that.  Whether she was blazing trails for female athletes everywhere…

Or traveling the globe and embracing the beauty of life along the way…

Or loving her family…

Steph has and will always truly love and appreciate her life.

effervescent: effer·vescent adj.
1. Vivacious and enthusiastic.
2. Marked by high spirits or excitement.

Not only is this girl one of the most vivacious humans on the planet, but remain in her presence and you will soon be doubled over in laughter…

So, Steph, even though I wont be with you on your birthday as you wake up in a few hours from your shots-induced coma…

I will be wishing for you LOTS of presents when you awake…

A morning birthday cuddle from Jakie…

Perhaps some cake for breakfast…

Cupcakes (and Jake) for lunch…

A hot dress to wear to the shenanigans later today…

A MASSIVE amount of attention…

And most importantly, the feeling of peace and contentment in knowing that your 30th is going to be an amazing year, and that you are very loved!

Joyeux trentième anniversaire, Steph!
