House Beautiful

Monthly Archive for March, 2011

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Effortlessly Cool, Part Deux

I want… I need it all.  Let’s take it back old school – cue the music.

RIP Liz.


*For photo credits, hold cursor over photo.

Yellow + Geometric Bliss, Oh My!

All things that have either a bright punch of YELLOW (hello, Spring, are you there?), or have beautifully intricate geometric details – like faceted or cut glass – seem to be catching my eye this week.  Leading off, have you ever seen a more beautiful bed?  Did Cinderella sleep here?

I would like to wear this to a Spring BBQ, please.

Who knew old decanters would make the most glorious pendant lights?

The most stunning piece of furniture I’ve laid eyes on in quite some time.

Please can this mirror come live in my house?  …ps, is that a light-up Slinky or a Glo-Worm on the floor?

Sunny yellow lamps + sunburst mirrors + those gorgeous jewelry trays = bliss.

It’s a dreary Chicago morning, so maybe I’m subconsciously seeking out all things sunny and bright, and details that are cut like prisms…  do you think light could bounce off that dresser and explode into 1,000 rainbows?!  Mmmprobably.  Did I smoke some dank for breakfast?  Nah.  Anyway, hang on little tomatoes…  budding trees, sprouting tulips and sunnier days are almost here!


*photo credits:  (1) Living Etc (2)  Michael Stars Maxi Dress (3) Pinterest (4) Architectural Digest Espana (5) Marie Claire Maison (6) Rue Mag