House Beautiful

Monthly Archive for December, 2010

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A Little Sunday Morning Conversation

(Phone Dialing)

Best Buy: Hello, thank you for calling Best Buy.

Me: Hi, I was calling to find out if you had a certain CD in stock?

Best Buy: Sure.  What’s the name of the CD?

Me: It’s Aziz Ansari.  He’s a comedian, and it’s his newest CD.

Best Buy:  What???

Me: Aziz Ansari…   A-z-i-z-A-n-s-a-r-i.

Best Buy: Oh-kay… Give me a second.  What’s the name of the album?

Me: Oh, sorry, let me look that up.  One sec.

Me:  Um, it’s called “Intimate Moments For a Sensual Evening.”

Best Buy: Silence.

Best Buy: More silence.

Best Buy: Fine, let me go look.


Six more days, homies.


Saturday Morning Laugh

This is my nephew, Fox:

Er rather, my cousin (who’s like a sister) Jill’s little red nugget.  This is Jill & me when we were kids:

Fox may be the cutest, sweetest, smartest and most hilarious child I know.   A few years ago (meaning, when Fox was 2 or 3), I pulled up to their house in the mountains, and he ran over with lettuce in his mouth and said, “Aunt Steppanie Aunt Steppanie!  I’m an herbivore!”  And then, 27-year old me had to scratch my head for a second and remember what that word meant.  Nothing like being out-IQ’d by a 2-year old.  Anyhow – Jill has started posting Fox’s most hilarious quotes every week on Facebook, and they are too priceless not to share.  Here’s a sampling of this week’s:

“Today Fox said:

-Little Rad Rocking Hood.

-Can people marry ice?

-How much does a house weigh? Dad said about 33 inches.

– Can I decorate the christmas tree with my gun?

-When is christmas? What will we wear?

-I need something to drink. My mouth is saltied up.”

Could you die??  PS:  this is his little sister.  I may officially have the cutest niece & nephew, ever.

Happy Saturday!
