House Beautiful

Archive for the 'Shout-outs' Category

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Quote of the Week, Courtesy of Ruthie

“…take up celebrating life as a full-time occupation.  Celebrate everything under the sun.  Celebrate you, your talents, your experiences, your uniqueness.  Celebrate relationships with your friends, family, colleagues and God.  Celebrate the past and the present.  Celebrate where you’ve come from…  your progress.  Count your blessings and celebrate them.  Celebrate the thrill of learning and broadening your horizons on various issues.  Learn to be grateful for what you have.”

-In a letter from my Grandmother Ruthie, 1994

As Karrie mentioned in a recent post, my beloved grandmother Ruthie passed away last week (that’s her above as a teen – wasn’t she lovely?)  I was very lucky to be as close to her as I was and to have her as long as I did, and even though she’s gone, I’ll hear her voice in my head and carry her in my heart forever.  The quote above is an excerpt from a letter I found at home last week that she had written me when I was 13…  Now that I look back, I realize that it’s a true description of how she lived her life – embracing everything around her, loving hard, and just being grateful for every single day she was alive and eager to see what each of those days would bring.  And that’s the way I hope to live mine.

Much love,

Steph & Karrie’s SUMMER ESSENTIALS via Yellow Brick Blog

Lyndsy over at Yellow Brick Blog was sweet enough to include us Covet Living gals and our must-haves in her SUMMER ESSENTIALS series!  (Holler.)  Here’s a preview…

And ahem – if you haven’t been following Lyndsy’s delightfully refreshing blog thus far, now’s your chance. It’s always inspiring and ALWAYS full of super cool stuff – including a “Song of the Week” each week, which we think is genius.  Girlfriend’ll help you shake up your iPod mix with long forgotten and much-loved ditties like this week’s “Do Anything” by Natural Selection, which made Karrie & I soil our bi-coastal britches.  It’s currently blaring on repeat in my apartment, and btw, my dance moves are a painful combo of zero rhythm and unbridled elation over this throw-back to the 7th grade…  in a sweet outfit known as boxer briefs and my retainer.

Click here for our Summer Must-Haves chez Lyndsy!
