House Beautiful

Monthly Archive for November, 2013

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Motivation Monday


“I don’t need to be rich or have a fancy home.  I just want to go to sleep at night knowing my labor had heart, I’ve loved fiercely and lived close enough to the edge that I can see the waves kiss the rocks.” – Dave Buchanan

What to Wear: Thanksgiving Day

I don’t know if you’re a freak like me, but with Thanksgiving around the corner, I *cannot* stop obsessing over how to decorate the table, whether or not I need to add an umpteenth dish to the menu, whether to serve a signature cocktail, etc.  The list goes on and on…  (and on).  Last year I went nuts over the food and the Nth detail of the table decor, but one thing I neglected was my wardrobe.  I ended up in some “meh” number that I disliked so much I ducked out of all the family photos.  Quel dommage, n’est-ce pas?  So this year, I thought we should kick around a few numbers that straddle the line between sweatpants and sequins.  Let’s call it understated-glam-with-an-elastic-waistband, shall we??

Go über Cute & Comfy: these emerald sateen skinnies from Madewell feel like PJ pants made of buttah, and the $14 off-the-shoulder number is super flattering.  This outfit was part of the Thanksgiving post I just did for Rent the Runway – pop over and check it out!

Who doesn’t love Jeans, Tees & Jewels?  Add some sparkle with these Suzanna Dai beauties, tight-roll your jeans like it’s 1987, and throw on some stilettos.  Bang, yer done.  (PS, this is what I’m wearing. PPS, I’ve also rented these earrings before and they’re my hands-down all-time fave – available at RTR.)

If you really wanna kick it up a notch, this gold glittery number (with – you guessed it – an elastic waistband) is fancy and insanely flattering in a sparkly, disheveled, boho mermaid sort of way. Dress it down with a graphic tee, à la Sharon Stone at the ’96 Oscars, who wore a $15 Gap turtleneck with a Valentino skirt.  (If that vixen can do it, so can we.)  Top it off with a wee bauble.

Need a little more inspiration??  Channel these chicks… (roll over images for original links):

Happy Shopping!!
