House Beautiful

Monthly Archive for October, 2013

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NYC: Love is in the air

Apparently, love is in the air in the Big Apple.  First, there was last month’s black tie bash slash Royal Wedding of our 3rd bestie, Melissa, to her beloved Koala… complete with a jewel-toned rainbow of Rent the Runway bridesmaid gowns, a diamond brooch bouquet for the 80’s Barbie Princess Bride, and big red tour buses that toted the wedding congregation all around the city.  The wedding was so insanely stunning that Karrie & I haven’t even told you all about yet because we don’t know where to begin… And also because we’re pretty sure it’s going to be exclusively written up in a far bigger publication than our wee Covet Living, and we didn’t wanna scoop it.

It was such a sweet weekend that it got me & Matt all gooey inside strolling around Central Park.

It obviously got Karrie feeling sentimental too, as was evidenced by the straight hour when she shoved Skinny Pop in my face while we were trying to get ready, then uploaded the video to social media. #whataslut

But back to the subject of l-o-v-e in NYC, can we please discuss how amazing our friends’ Tara & Mike’s Engagement Photos by Rouxby Photography are???  They’re featured today over at Style Me Pretty.  Click HERE for the full scoop on Mike’s insanely well-orchestrated, surprise proposal, and the gorgeous photo gallery.  And don’t forget to take a peek at her ring.  *DAMN*


Motivation Mondays


“If you’re twenty-two, physically fit, hungry to learn and be better, I urge you to travel – as far and as widely as possible.  Sleep on floors if you have to.  Find out how other people live and eat and cook.  Learn from them – wherever you go.” – Anthony Bourdain

Amen, Bourdain.  Amen.  I myself am just back from a whirlwind work trip to France and then London to watch Mr. Bourdain tape the British version of The Taste.  I’ll be posting a new travel guide to London in a few days!

PS – I’m not 22, nowhere near that, but I find myself just as eager to get out and travel and explore and find myself lost somewhere distant and foreign.  Who’s with me?!

Happy Monday everyone.
