House Beautiful

Monthly Archive for August, 2013

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Monday, Monday.

Happy Monday!  (No, that’s not an oxy moron, but it feels like one, doesn’t it?)  If you’re having as rough a time as we are getting your brain around work, etc – here’s a little motivation for ya:

{a good reminder…}

…because in a world of moremoremorenownownowbetterbetterbetter, it’s so easy to lose sight of all the wonderful things we already have.  I think I’m going to frame this sucker and hang it by the front door.

{a routine to give you a swift kick in the arse}

Since I went off Paleo, I’ve been enjoying healthy portions of beer & pizza.  #whoops.  Whenever I need to get back on the stick and the treadmill seems daunting, I use Minka Kelly’s running regimen that I once read in Self.  I generally like to run 3-4 miles at a sprint until I dry heave, but Minka’s treadmill routine opened my eyes to the fact that lower impact for a longer period of time can be just as effective.  Here it is:

1 minute at 5.0
1 minute at 5.5
1 minute at 6.0
1 minute at 6.5
1 minute at 7.0
1 minute at 7.5
1 minute at 8.0
2 minutes at 4.5
Repeat five times.

When I’m really out of shape, I’ll start doing 3 rounds or so instead of 5.  When this routine becomes manageable, start at a higher speed.

{a mash-up to fuel your workout}

Milkman’s Controversy was playing during the last few minutes of Soulcycle in East Hampton earlier this summer, and I swear it was the only thing that kept me pedaling.  This is the kind of jam you need to download, STAT, because it will make you want to sprint 10 miles, then pummel a speed bag at the end.  PS, as for Soulcycle, I don’t even like spinning and I scoffed at all the hype…  And then I went to a class.  It’s like crack.  Try it – you’ll love it.

Have a great week!!


RTR Guest Post: Our Perfect Reading Guide

Rent the Runway just keeps the love flowing for us ladies of Covet Living.  Head on over to their blog now for a list of what WE think are some of the greatest books out right now.  We love to read (ok, this is Karrie writing this… Steph just likes to read Pinterest and Bachelor/Bachelorette chat forums) and we love nothing more than giving our friends and family recommendations on the books we couldn’t put down. So please check out our suggestions and let us know if YOU have any other reads you love – new OR old!
