House Beautiful

Monthly Archive for May, 2012

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Effortlessly Cool – Summer Styyyyyle

Now I don’t know about you, but this weekend it seemed like everyone and their cousins exclaimed to all who would listen (or read on Facebook) that SUMMER. IS. OFFICIALLY. HERE. Pics of barbecues, trips to the beach and toddlers sucking on icy pops made the rounds amongst my friends.  And I giddily welcomed it all.  Because at the end of the day, no matter how old you are, when you hop onto your bike for a breezy afternoon ride, take your first plunge into a swimming pool, or taste corn fresh off the grill, a part of you awakens from slumber, comes back alive.

Giddy up for some delicious summery looks, below.  And be sure to play this little ditty while perusing: M83’s “Raconte – Moi Une Histoire”.    If it seems odd at first, and it will, stick it out.

(The coolest, most adorable blogger, Sincerely Jules)

(Seriously considering purchasing this, though my girls might fall out)


Quote Of The Week


“I have less time, less tolerance for bullshit, more interest in good taste, more confidence in my own judgement.  The culture with which I surround myself is a reflection of my personality and the circumstances of my life, which is part how it should be.” – Nick Hornsby (Songbook)

Ahhhhhh, God bless getting older.  Over the past few months I’ve really been noticing that with it comes a very slow, yet very purposeful refinement of all things: Friendships – those that are meaningful, and those meant to fall by the wayside; Relationships – an unfolding clarity of what I want, what I need, and what I’ll never allow again; and Family – an appreciation for the limited time I have with the people I most love.

It started off around 29 for me, when I started trusting myself more, knowing a bit more who I was, appreciating the lessons being given.  At 32, I’m just starting to sail… and I love it.

Anywho, off to work.
