Good MORNIN Sugarplums!!! Happy Saturday! You know what my favorite thing to do on a weekend morning is, so, I’ll tee it up while you refill your coffee…
This antique poppy in coral from Spoonflower of all places is amazing. And it’s a dead ringer for Raoul Textiles, but at a teeny fraction of the price. Can you picture it as drapery panels or a big gorgeous roman shade in a kiddo’s room? I can. And I DIE.
My every (single) day, fave hairdo.
This kitchen makes me so (so) happy. Between the arched glass pantry door, the giant demijohn lamps on the console/island, and the dough bowl, it’s the warmest/fuzziest thing I ever did see.
And it makes me almost as happy as things like this. Which is what my entire Instagram feed looks like. Karrie asked me the other day what she needed to do to make sure I didn’t become a dog lady someday, and I was like, “Psssht – fat chance.”
Cuz this is legit going down. Sorry Karrie.
One more. I meaaaan…..
Moving along.. the gorgeous paint color of this dresser totally inspired me to refinish my next piece of furniture in whatever that hazy grey-blue is. I also just had my Modern Farmhouse client in Ohio do her playroom built-ins in it.
Hello, Spring.
What my life in Cali feels like…
I got this yesterday from my buddy Mully. Heavens, he’s so right. We’re a long long way from Kansas Ohio and where we were 2 years ago, Campers.
Speaking of that place that starts with an O, *this* is a solid reminder it took me a long time to realize and could’ve saved me a LOT of grief had I understood it sooner. But ye know – it’s a journey.
WHAT is this glorious print and can I put it on (anything/everything)?? …jk, it’s Persia Black on Taj Ecru from Quadrille and it’s to die.
Take me back to there, svp. #tuscany
What my someday dream home dreams are made of.
Every now and again I appreciate a good crisp, white linen lampshade, but most of the time it puts me to sleep. A super easy way to customize whatchoo got goin’ on and warm things up / introduce some color & texture to your space is to have your existing shades recovered in a favorite fabric. Karrie & I are doing this in her dining room with her wee chandelier shades (prob doing a burlap)… Bunny Williams has this whole collection which is so cozy I can’t take it, but also so expensive I could never afford it:
So thank heavens there are lovely Etsy sellers like this one who do custom shades in baller fabrics at a fraction of the cost. Like these… which would be AMAZING on some crystal wall sconces:
Speaking of sconces… this is the most drool-worthy one I’ve eva seen.
Love Loren Hope’s photog skills almost as much as her jewelry. I’d like this blown up into a massive print to put in my dining room, thannnnksss guuuuuuuuurl.
This one is also amazing:
My **FAAAAVORITE** white wine. Not sure where its been all my life but if I was once lost, now I’m found. My girlfriend Becky brought it over the other night for dinner. Bonus: it’s $10.99 at Trader Joe’s.
Behold: the perfect jeans + white tee combo.
Loving this print from Scalamandre… Bali in Roses & Moss.
Dallas Shaw’s Insta, which is a sea of dreamy pink eye candy.
Clayton Sconces by AERIN for Circa Lighting. #nomnomnom
So sweating Gigi Hadid’s style these days.
Please, get in my (beach) house now.
I’ll take a coupla you, too.
Who knows when or if I’ll ever find someone I’d like to marry, but when/if I do, I’d like to wear THIS gown by Liz Martinez… GASP. That is the most stunning wedding gown I’ve ever seen.
On that tangent… it’s funny how your priorities shift as you get older. Every girl’s got a dream about what she wants her wedding to be like, and I’m sure if you’d asked me 10 years ago, it would’ve been a REAL big to-do / fuss. And now, I’m like, howsabout just give me the most amazing person (ever), maybe a simple but beautiful antique ring from Tadema Gallery down there (or just a simple pavé band), a handfulla good friends and family, a beach and a taco truck, and I’m cool.
Kenil in Indigo Textile from Penny Morrison. You could use it for pillows or upholstery, or you could just frame it b/c it’s so beautiful.
I DIED yesterday over this stunning tile design, via my dear friend and fellow designer, Cory McCrummen.
The perfect weekend outfit.
Just about the only philosophy you’ll ever need…
The most perfect candle scent, ever that I picked up from Pigment as a Christmas gift for my girl Caitlin, but haven’t been able to find since. Pomegranate Citrus by Capri Blue.
a) I need these immediately, b) somewherelately is a great follow.
I ran across TONS of amazing hardware when I was scouring the universe for Karrie & Tim’s house… these pulls are so unique and would be amazing on an island, or on a refinished dresser:
I need this jumpsuit, stat.
I’d also take a handfulla these to hang down a long hallway. #perfection… and #bonus – they’re under $200 each at Wayfair.
Hello, lover.

Picture 14079
Take me to there.
AND I’m off to make breakfast. This is a go-to: sautéed spinach (set aside), then roasted tomatoes, then scramble eggs + a handfulla feta + cilantro, then toss the veggie mix back in, then top with fresh avocado.
Have a great weekend, you little love nuggets!!