House Beautiful

Tag Archive for 'mango'

Friday Favorites

(via Shelby of Joielala)

Happy Friday!!!  It is here, finally.  What’s everyone’s plans for the weekend?  Mine (Karrie, that is) includes loads of time vegging, cuddling, juicing (what? yes), cooking, boxing, reading, blogging (hopefully) and just being home, doing nothing but everything to help me unwind from the week and a month of traveling.

Anywho, check out our latest Friday delights, our favorite things we’re oohing and aahing over

1. The first full album, like ever, which I’ve downloaded and in which I’ve liked almost every song. Brit electronic at its finest:

2. This online post we happened upon this week, which was surprisingly sweet and warmed our cold hearts:

3. Some gladiator sandals for next summer on sale for $13.98!!! – get ’em while ya can, people!:

4. Plaid magic, right here for less than $22:

5. Essie’s delicious new perfectly Fall color, “Going Incognito”:

6. This eargasmic re-mix – I just can’t stop listening:

7. Cotton candy in the form of 22 minutes on E!, thanks to their newest show Eric & Jessie: Game On. Don’t ask questions; don’t worry what it’s doing to your brain; just watch and find yourself wanting to start wearing plaid shirts, cut-off jean shorts and yell to your man, “Bayyyyyyyyyyyby!”
