House Beautiful

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Happy Birthday Stephanie!!!

Someone’s *29 today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Birthday Steph, aka Wabbit!

One of the strongest, funniest, prettiest, most inappropriate, kindest people I know, our birthday girl is currently nearing the end of her 35+ trek across the country to her new home in So Cal!:

And in a matter of hours will be beginning her newest journey just two hours south of me in San Dieeeeeego:

Words can’t express how excited I am to have my bestie and co-blogger living a couple hours from me; I lie awake at night like a kid on Christmas Eve!  Steph, hurry up and get here – you’ve got some stuff waiting for you:

(Left: Santa Monica, where Steph and I will be let loose like a pack of wild hounds this weekend | Right: The pot de creme from Gjelina, which we’ll be gorging on this Saturday night for Steph’s bday dinner!

Oh and GusGus – don’t worry – there’s plenty here for you too.  You’re gonna have a new playground that looks a little something like this:

HAPPY BIRTHDAY STEPHANIE!!!  We all love you so much and are so proud of you!


*Age rounded down give or take a few years