Every year about this time, I start daydreaming about Springtime, and tropical vacations, et tout en rose: in sherbert-y, punchy shades of the pink rainbow. Since it’s 20 below outside, wanna hit play above and play the daydream game for a sec with me?
I would totally toss this on right now. With a thin wife beater.
Or this… maybe with a padded bra. Or, ye know. – just some boobies.
Tell me you wouldn’t DIE to make throw pillows out of this gorgeous fabric I just saw on Cloth & Kind?
I’ll go ahead and take this skirt, too.
I would like to post up in this next to a pool in Palm Springs. With a pink umbrella drink. Please & thank you.
Please get on my coffee table, now.
Totes M’Gotes painting something in my next house this color.
I need to make one of these the size of China, and cut a piece for everyone who’s helped me out this month. xoxo
Please Lord, let me wallpaper something with this… even if it’s the inside of my underwear drawer.
But if I must stay warm, I’d at least like to wear something that looks like a party.
Who else is ready for Spring (!!?!)
That dress (with a padded bra) needs to be hanging in my wardrobe. PRONTO!
Steph, feel free to jump onboard a plane, fly downunder and hang with me for a week. It’s still summer! The sun is shining, the drinks are cold and our gorgeous golden beaches await you!
Don’t tempt me lady!!! I just might do it! I’m *quite* sure we would have a baller time, probably get in some trouble, and that I would come home refreshed with a new lease on life. And a huge hangover 🙂 xoxoxoxo