House Beautiful

Archive for the 'Art' Category

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Abstractions Aside, by Leigh Viner

Tell me the illustration above (available to purchase on Etsy HERE) isn’t the most gorgeous piece of artwork you’ve ever seen…  I dare you.  I let out a 10-second long gasp (!) when I first saw it on Pinterest – a gasp I would only equate to the kind my mom still lets out in traffic about 0.2 seconds before she slams on the brake and hurls the mom-arm in front of my chest.  Anyhow – my print of that gasp-worthy beauty just came in the mail today and I can’t wait to mat/frame/hang it.  My bathroom (below) is pretty slammed…  so maybe somewhere else.  Like the dining room.  I’m sure my he-roommate will love that.  And as soon he starts cleaning his own toilet, I’ll start letting him weigh-in on the apartment decor.

The print is by an artist named Leigh Viner – delightful and incredibly polite to deal with, and also incredibly talented.  Here are a few more fashion illustrations I love from her:






Something about Viner’s work feels ever-so-slightly Toulouse-Lautrec-y + with a (modern) 80’s twist…  (work with me here)…  as in, I hear Blondie and David Bowie playing, and could totally see a few of those prints above hanging over some mauve leather sofa, circa 1987, in the movie Mannequin.  And with some shoulder-pad-clad chick traipsing through the room.  But, something about Viner’s work also feels very classic.  Am I right or am I right?  (Stupidest expression ever, btw.  And so fun to use!)

Abstractions Aside, by Leigh Viner + Woman Pulling up Her Stockings, by Henri De Toulouse-Lautrec

She also has a collection of photography – here are my two faves:

Holiday – Vintage Restored Print, by Leigh Viner

Dream On – Vintage Restored Print, by Leigh Viner

Check out Leigh’s Etsy page | Website to see the rest of her work, and/or Follow Me on Pinterest to see s’more of my favorite artsy stuff.  I’m not an awesome artist myself, but I can pin the crap out of some pretty cool stuff.
